Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Cat meets Bread

I was teaching a friend to make bread the other day and her cat was intrigued.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Bread making is taking over....

I've made a dozen loafs of various breads and now have a captive audience for free bread. I fine tuned the NK bread. It is beautiful! I sent away for some sourdough starter and managed to cultivate it. I've made two loaves of sourdough. The problem is that the loaves are very pale. I haven't been putting in any sugar, so adding sugar should help. I also think I can raise the oven temp too.

Monday, October 01, 2007

My cats are crazy...

My cats are crazy but then I guess all cats have a unique view on the world around them. Psyche wishes humans would just disappear, as long as the food dish continues to be magically filled. Bubba is improving but still has issues with cars parked outside or abandonment. I think he is also lonely, since Psyche won't have much to do with him. Her abhorence of him is his fault since he tries to cathandle her instead of being affectionate. He does take most of it out on his own pets. He now has three, a large Hepcat, a White Monkey, and a pink beanie baby kitty. He drags them around the house and you never know when you will encounter it in the dark. You think you are kicking or troding on a cat but it is only a stuffed toy. He also keeps taking them out on the porch, especially the white monkey. Washing them and making sure to get all the soap rinsed out is a hassle.