Wednesday, November 05, 2008

2008 Set Jay on Fire Camping Trip

This year was special for 3 reasons.
1. No Jay to burn
2. The opossum was back
3. A wild horse spent hours in our campsite.

This was our annual camping trip to Cumberland Island. We usually have Jay on board to harass but he didn't make it this year. We missed him a lot but still managed to have fun. First night out was a Tapas feast not to be missed. I was not impressed by the snails or the quails egg, but maybe it was the brand or preparation that was less than perfection. Second night out was Low Country Boil night. Last year, something stole our shrimp, we believe it was a coyote or bobcat. That thing was FAST! We searched the underbrush the next day. We didn't find a trace of the shrimp but we found a sketch book that had been stolen by a critter more than 6 months before. I say stolen, because no one would be in this underbrush without a desperate mission like finding lost shrimp. Anyway 2008s Low Country Boil will be remembered as the first where we had not only shrimp, but crab and lobster added to the mix. Last night out we had fried turkey. All this glorious food is an odoriferous insult to all those who come to the island to primitive camp with their PB&J or dehydrated foods.